
Nutrition made simple: Green, Amber & Red

I’m sure you’ve heard it enough times now… to lose body fat, you have to be in caloric deficit.

“But does that mean I need to count every calorie I eat? ….that’s going to drive me crazy”

Depending on where you’re at with your fat loss journey will depend on how precise you need to be with your nutrition control.  If you’re working on getting that 6-pack to an 8-pack, then you’ll really need to dial stuff in.

However, if you’re just taking your first steps into the world of healthier eating, then the simpler your approach the better.

So we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible with our traffic light system…

Green for Go

Amber for Slow Down

Red for Stop

Green foods





How often can I eat these foods? 

Eat them freely and according to your appetite. Go!

Why are they in this category? 

Protein fibre, good fats, vitamins and minerals are the key to good health. These green light foods contain lots of nutrients. A diet based on these foods cuts out processed food and eliminates the sources of most intolerances (gluten and grains, for example). In the right quantities, these foods give you the nutrients you need, especially if you are less active.

Any other advice? 

Rotate your protein sources and try to eat food in its natural state, such as raw dairy, organic vegetables and grass-fed beef.

Amber foods




How often can I eat these foods? 

Think about your personal requirements and goals when you’re eating these foods. For example, the more active you are, the more carbs you need. If you’re a vegetarian, you’ll need more legumes and pulses. Think!

Why are they in this category? 

These foods are great sources of energy, which we all need in differing levels. If you overdo the foods in this category you might end up putting a bit too much energy into the system

Legumes, grains and dairy are all good sources of nutrition but aren’t necessarily required by, or tolerated by, everyone.

Any other advice? 

Be mindful of how food makes you feel and what works for you.

Red foods…




How often can I eat these foods? 

You can eat these foods on occasion but you should limit or eliminate them where possible. Stop! Nothing in these foods is required by our bodies.

Why are they in this category? 

It’s important to indulge in your favourite foods occasionally, even if you might consider them to be unhealthy. But processed food can be calorie dense and nutritionally empty, so don’t consume them in lieu of healthier green light stuff.

Any other advice? 

If you do have something in this category, don’t beat yourself up about it. In fact, it’s important that you enjoy the odd indulgence. Anyway, getting stressed about what you’re eating won’t help

As we said at the very start, calories do matter, but so does balance.

By following the traffic light system mapped out above, you’ll be making choices based on a framework designed to give you just that…

and you still get to sneak in the occasional treat too.

The Encore approach to non-stop progress

At Encore, you will find a results-focused fitness environment, designed to constantly move you towards your personal goals.

Our unique blend of intelligently intense small-group sessions, evidence-based exercises and ever-changing programmes trains you as an elite athlete, keeping workouts challenging and exciting.

Our strength and conditioning training programme includes classes that focus on lifting weights, in a closely monitored environment, while other build aerobic capacity.

The Encore team also provides nutritional guidance, sharing a range of information sources and expert advice to complement your fitness programme, and help you reach your goals.

Join us and get fitter, leaner and stronger.

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