Hopefully you enjoyed Episodes 1 & 2 of Netflix N Stretch Encore’s stretching programme designed to combat modern lifestyle with long periods of time spent sitting down and bad posture habits.
Remember, people often think ‘localised stretching’ (stretching directly at the site of tightness or discomfort) is the answer. However, this is not always the case, and everything is connected!
These Netflix N Stretch ‘Episodes’ each feature upper body and lower body pairings, designed to compliment each other.
And, these stretches will help correct any niggles that may be referred from other parts of the body and the other relaxation and fitness benefits are endless!
Reminder: How it works
Each ‘episode’ features a pair of stretches; with a photo and some basic instructions for each stretch.
You choose two episodes each day and perform the stretches for the prescribed number of times.
- Do one sheet with two exercises, then move on to your second.
- Try to pick a different combo each day.
You can combine the different sheets any way you like.
The stretches in Episodes 3 & 4 are detailed below or available as a printable pdfs here:
Episode 03

Processed with VSCO with b5 preset
- Bend your left knee and place your shin along the back cushion of a couch (or a chair) with your toes pointed upward.
- Keep your left thigh in line with your body.
- Place your right foot in front, aligning your knee above your ankle.
- Elongate your spine and engage your core and glutes.
Episode 04

- Taking your resistance band at each end with both hands.
- Hold the band a little further than shoulder width apart in front of you raise your arms up and over your head.
- Lower your arms behind you until your arms sit at the top of your lower back.
- Feel the stretch in your shoulders and arms.
Any questions on stretching, general fitness or if you’re interested in joining Encore as a member please email encore@quoox.co.uk
The Encore approach to non-stop progress
At Encore, you will find a results-focused fitness environment, designed to constantly move you towards your personal goals.
Our unique blend of intelligently intense small-group sessions, evidence-based exercises and ever-changing programmes trains you as an elite athlete, keeping workouts challenging and exciting.
Our strength and conditioning training programme includes classes that focus on lifting weights, in a closely monitored environment, while other build aerobic capacity.
The Encore team also provides nutritional guidance, sharing a range of information sources and expert advice to complement your fitness programme, and help you reach your goals.
Join us and get fitter, leaner and stronger.